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“Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.” Lord Justice Sedley in Redmond-Bate v DPP

Protest Liaison should be considered a critical function in managing demonstrations and activism on campus and is intended to contribute to ensuring compliance with the Act.

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“Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.” Lord Justice Sedley in Redmond-Bate v DPP

Stephen McNeill

Protest Liaison should be considered a critical function in managing demonstrations and activism on campus and is intended to contribute to ensuring compliance with the Act.


A Former Hostage Negotiator's Guide to Active Listening

Listen to this podcast episode where we explore the art of negotiation and the power of active listening. Negotiation is an essential skill in both personal and professional life, and it requires a unique set of skills to master. In this episode, Kirk shares his insights and provides practical strategies for success in negotiations.

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A Former Hostage Negotiator's Guide to Active Listening

Listen to this podcast episode where we explore the art of negotiation and the power of active listening. Negotiation is an essential skill in both personal and professional life, and it requires a unique set of skills to master. In this episode, Kirk shares his insights and provides practical strategies for success in negotiations.

Cyber Crime and Negotiator Response

The demand for Negotiators to respond to hostage-taking and extortion has always existed but has risen dramatically over the last decade or so. The rise in extortion, and in particular cyber-extortion, is fuelled by the reliance on digital means for conducting business and maintaining an online presence. How a business responds to a cyber-attack will depend upon the nature and intention of the attack. Using a Hostage Negotiator has many benefits. Meaningful engagement with the cyber-criminal to prevent unintended escalation being just one.

Stephen McNeill
Application & Interview Preparation

You may be seeking your first job, a new opportunity, or even a career change. Whichever it is, it will start with the completion of an application, online or paper, and will hopefully progress to an interview and job offer. Firstly, I will look at the application process and then, secondly, the interview process. I have looked at this from the perspective of a Hostage Negotiator. Why from this perspective I hear you ask. Well, Hostage Negotiation and job applications are both about identifying the wants and needs of the other side and through the skilled use of words, written and spoken, achieving influence in the decisions of others. In the Hostage Negotiation world, the goal is the safe return of a hostage; in the job application world, the goal is securing that job offer.

Stephen McNeill

Effective leadership is rarely simple and there are several characteristics you may wish to consider as you reflect on your leadership qualities and ability.

Social Influencing Skills – How you are being sold to.

The view of a Hostage Negotiator based on the Principles of Influence by Robert Cialdini.

Stephen McNeill
How to Negotiate a Better Salary

There are many sectors where there is limited opportunity to negotiate your reward package, but there are just as many where you can negotiate a salary increase or other benefit that accurately reflects your individual worth and overall contribution to the value of an organisation. At a time when ‘cost of living increases are taking a heavy toll on household budgets are you looking for a pay rise or an improved condition of employment? If the answer is yes, then this is for you.

Stephen McNeill
Finite and Infinite Games

Business is a long game, and you should always be looking for new ways to make more money, save money and enhance organisational reputation.

Stephen McNeill